Wo ist der Gringo?

Mein Quarterlife Crisis – Reflections of a 20-Something Traveler

Meine Generation, the Millennials, Generation Y, was auch immer Sie zu uns anrufen möchten, scheinen den Begriff populär wurden “quarter-life crisis.” They come in all shapes & Größen:

Du bist 27 und Sie immer noch nicht verheiratet.

Du bist 27 und schon bedauern heiraten.

You have a mountain of student-loan debt that remains to be paid off years after graduating.

Sie haben noch keine Ihren Traumjob, but can’t bring yourself to quit your current grind.

Basically you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up.

Wir dachten, wir würden es mittlerweile herausgefunden,.

I know not all of us are having a quarter-life crisis, but I’ll be the first to say that I am having one of sorts. Even though I chose a lifestyle that some may classify as “living the dream,” everything comes with a dark side. As I continue to travel & see the world, I can’t help but feel something is missing.

Shall I elaborate?

A couple days ago I celebrated my third straight birthday abroad in a different country. And before I do anything else, let me just include a few images of how awesome it was!


These guys made the trip – what a great crew!


You already know there was a Titanic pose broment


Before you make fun of me, remember it was my birthday AND my first time I’ve ever being on a private-chartered yacht. That’s enough to trick ANY white boy into thinking he’s Drake, at least for a few minutes right?


This doesn’t sound like a quarter-life crisis to me…

Now, there’s no denying that my past three birthdays have been memorable, filled with new experiences in new places with new friends. I’m grateful to everyone who was involved in making them special for me! But they also mark 3 straight birthday celebrations with no family and no close/old friends (besides Mitch who visited me last year & meine Freundin natürlich). It was a bittersweet reminder of a realization that’s been dawning on me for some time now:

I’m missing out on my loved ones’ lives.

  • My parents are getting older, und es macht mir Angst zu glauben, dass durch die Zeit, Ich habe diese Sucht für Reise gekickt, Ich werde nicht mehr viel Zeit mit ihnen.
  • I don’t know if I’ll ever see my only living grandparent again. She lives in Wisconsin & I only see her every few years as it is.
  • My friends are getting engaged & married by the dozens. It seems every time I log on to Facebook there is another engagement. I’m happy for them, but then the somber reality of knowing that I probably won’t make the wedding sets in.
  • I’ve even missed out on being in some of my friends’ weddings solely because we have lost touch over the years. I don’t just blame this on travel, but also myself because I know how terrible I am at keeping up with people.
  • I haven’t been able to celebrate some of my best friends’ and cousins’ transition into parenthood, and be by their side to support them during the craziness. Not to mention I’m missing crucial & formative years of their childrens’ lives. “Uncle Ford” is merely a concept that I have created in my own head to make myself feel better & somehow more involved.
  • But it’s not just the major events that I’m missing, it’s all little stuff too. Activities like the church small groups & Sunday grill outs with football. Randomly kicking your buddy’s door in. Going to the movies. Kurztelefongespräche über den Tag zu sprechen. The “How’s it going’s?” und “Whatsup’s?” of real life. Wissen Sie, diese Art von Dingen, die Sie einen Freund machen.

These things weigh heavily on me. Dies sind Fragen, die mich wirklich Sorgen. Sie machen mich selbst zweifeln. Sie veranlassen, die typischen Viertellebenskrise Fragen: Am I doing the right thing with my life? Sind meine Prioritäten richtig? Bin ich, wo ich sein? Everyone has their own struggle, aber das ist mein Kampf, der Kampf eines langfristigen Reisenden.

The Good News: Quarter-Life Krisen sind normal!

My father has his doctorate in Counseling Psychology and Higher Education. Er hat mich gelehrt, immer, dass eines der bestimmenden Merkmale unserer Generation ist, dass wir sind im Grunde in mentalen / psychischen Pubertät bis zu unserer späten 20er Jahren oder sogar Mitte der 30er Jahre. Wir sind immer noch herauszufinden, wer wir sind, what we want to do, and who we want to do it with.


Photo credit: Stratejoy

These aren’t just words from my father, they are clinically proven theories. Es ist kein Wunder, dass noch ein anderer Name für uns ist die “Peter Pan Generation.”

Wir sollten unsere Viertellebenskrise willkommen. Unsere 20er Jahre sind the time to figure out if we’re on the right path. Diese Zweifel, mit denen wir zu kämpfen sind normal. This “normality” sollte uns Vertrauen unseren Weg zu gehen. I am not alone. You are not alone.

The important thing is to be happy and find the good in whatever stage we are in. Expect change & growth, and be willing to embrace them whenever they come.

For me, traveling the world is to discover what makes life rich. Expanding my worldview through immersing myself in new cultures, learning Spanish, and meeting & helping people along the way define my current path. Despite the uncertainties that may come during my quarter-life crisis, I’m confident God has put this path in front of me for a reason, and I’m committed to walking it.

Special shoutout to my girlfriend Giovanna who is with me every step of the way, in more ways than one (she’s also going through the same quarter-life crisis).

I’m not the best at expressing my emotions, but dang do I miss you guys!

Forgive me for not being a better friend. Forgive me for not calling, for not remembering important dates, for not supporting or helping in tough times, for not….being in your lives.

And thank you guys. Thank you for loving me & supporting me. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms when I am back in the States, and thank you for encouraging me & following along online. The fact that y’all find time to check in on my journey, even while you’re in the midst of your own, means more than you know.

Und danke für den Geburtstag wünscht, in der vergangenen Woche als auch! Vergessen Sie nicht,, I still wollen Wege bald kreuzen! Vielleicht können unsere individuellen Vierteljahreskrisen voneinander profitieren 😉

Die Freiheit, wandern und entdecken Sie die unbekannten erregt mich & gives me life, und euch können sich auf mich planen weiterhin diese mit Ihnen teilen alle durch meinen Blog. Aber nur wissen, dass mit jedem Strand Sonnenuntergang oder Berg Ansicht, die ich hochladen, there’s a postcard “Wish You Were Here” filter that hasn’t been applied.





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